一只性感的猫女郎soyulll._e1、青春是天边的虹,转瞬即逝,却又柔美异常;青春是清晨的雾,朦胧含蓄,却又适合徜徉;青春是山涧的溪,清丽柔和,却又时常飘荡。Youth is the rainbow of the horizon, fleeting, but very beautiful; Youth is the fog of the morning, hazy and implicit, but suitable for wandering; Youth is a mountain stream, beautiful and soft, but often drifting.2、原本我们苦苦放不下的一些东西其实是那么微不足道。他说的也许是对的,我爱的不是他,而是我对爱情的想象,现在,我是爱上了这个地方。Some of the things that we can't bear to put down are actually so insignificant. He may be right. I love him not, but my imagination of love. Now, I am in love with this place.3、青春伴随着梦想,如诗如画,如歌如曲,追逐梦想的微光,即使前方荆棘满地,也依然要风雨兼程,永不言弃。Youth is accompanied by dreams, such as poetry, such as songs, pursuing the glimmer of dreams, even if the front is full of thorns, it still has to go through both storms and never give up.